Black Roll



BLACKROLL® Myofascial Treatment & Massage ...With little effort and simple exercises, BLACKROLL® can help you increase flexibility and performance

Fascia, is the connective tissue surrounding muscles, bones, and organs. It run all the way through the body from the top of our head to the tips of our toes. They form a complex network that not only keeps bones, organs and muscles in place but also plays a crucial role in movement, coordination and sensory perception.,Scientists all over the world are discovering the immense importance of this connective tissue regarding movement, pain, body awareness and overall health. Well-trained, Elastic fasciae are crucial for one’s health and well-being. Injuries, scarring and inflammation of the fasciae can, conversely, lead to pain and an array of illnesses.With little effort and simple exercises BLACKROLL® can help you increase flexibility and performance in your muscular structures. Regular and specific training regenerates muscles, substantially dissolves strains and increases performance within muscular systems.